During Wold War II, rationing was the system put
in place in the U.S. to make sure that everyone had access to the necessities of life –
even if quantities were limited.. Everyone was issued ration books – I had
one in my name when I was only 7 weeks old. Children were issued ration books
to insure that families had access to adequate goods. When it came to rationed
goods, a person was allowed to purchase only a certain amount at any given
time. The books contained stamps that were collected by retailers at the
time of purchase.
In order to preclude a black
market in ration stamps, retailers were prohibited from accepting stamps that
had been removed from the books. Rationed items included, rubber,
leather, sugar, meat, fats and oils, and gasoline among other things. More
information about rationing can be found here: http://www.ameshistory.org/exhibits/events/rationing.htm
wow it is very interesting and I haven't heard about it..