Finally almost finished. I don't like recording and hearing my own voice so it took a while to get around to doing the narration for my Dachtera immigration story. It still needs some editing. If you watch it, I'd like to hear your suggestions for improvement.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Dachtera Immigration Story
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Down a Rabbit Hole
I’ve been down a rabbit hole for a couple of weeks, but finally came up for a breath of fresh air. Finding distant cousins via DNA matches led me into a maze.
I have a match who seems to descend from my paternal Grandmother’s
line. She also descends from a line that seems identical to one that married
into my paternal line. Both surnames match.
Veronica Reczynska was married to Lawrence Lewandowski. My
paternal grandmother was Tekla Reczynska; I can find no connection to Veronica. John Lewandowski married my great aunt
Pauline; I can find no connection to Lawrence.
I confused myself and went round and round in circles for
too long before I finally decided to let it rest for a while. This could all be
just coincidence. I’ll get back to it after a while.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Is It Soup Yet?
This post is inspired by Judy G. Russell’s blog post Not soup in 2021 either.
Her point is that the admixture results we get from DNA tests
ARE ESTIMATES. They are educated guesses. Please note that these estimates vary
from one testing service to another. They are not definitive; but some of the unexpected results may be interesting.
I claim that these estimates are soup. Soup in progress – still on the stove but not the final product.
Soup is generally a combination of several, sometimes many,
ingredients. So are we. Looking at a soup pot on the stove we can easily see
the large ingredients; but what about the herbs and other small bits that give
the soup its flavor?
My first views of my admixture showed a couple of surprises.
I trace my Polish ancestors to the late 18th century – all in
Poland. So why am I being told that I show Scandinavian or Greek heritage?
Well, history implies the Scandinavian part. In the 1650’s
there was a 5 year war between Sweden and Poland. Five years!. I’d bet that some
Swedish soldiers married and settled in Poland. I have no doubt that many other
Swedish soldiers left their DNA scattered among Polish women.
Greek is a little more far-fetched, but my mother’s maiden
name is Ganas. A search on that surname shows mostly Greeks. So maybe several
hundred years ago a traveling merchant from Greece chose to stay in Poland. I’ll
never know but it brings up a possibility.
I’m glad that my curiosity led me to look at these seeming anomalies.
They make my heritage a bit more interesting.
I am comforted by seeing my admixture concentration where I’d
expected it to be. But if, as 23andMe tells me, I carry Neanderthal genes, then
I probably also carry some from Sweden and Greece.
My point is that while admixture is just an ESTIMATE, some
of the outliers may be worth consideration.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Oh, Cousin – Where Art Thou?
My current focus is on finding cousins via DNA matches. I’m
still waiting for results from my test, but there are lots of
matches from my 23andMe and My Heritage tests.
Image lifted from Twisted Twigs on Gnarled Branches
I got all excited when I learned about DNA Painter. I downloaded match information and painted it. It’s a very colorful DNA map. But I also created a problem for myself and now I’m having to backtrack a little.
Problem: I failed to finish the research to add some of them to
my family tree. I am a “big picture” person who sometimes tends to gloss over
the details. That almost always causes problems, but the details are not the
fun part.
So now my task is to summon some self-discipline to bring my tree up to date. Self-discipline isn’t the fun part either.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Playing Catch-up
There are so many new tools for genetic genealogy that it’s been a challenge to catch up.
DNA Painter has some great tools. Here’s a sample of my chromosome
map showing that I’ve painted 43% of my map. The legend on the right shows the familial
relationships. I’ve mapped matches from 23andMe, MyHeritage, and FTDNA. I don’t
yet have results from my Ancestry test.
The legend also shows that I’ve imported the ethnic origins of my chromosomes as interpreted by 23andMe, but they’re not displayed in this image.
Another useful tool is Blaine Bettinger’s Shared cm Project.
Shared cM Project (ScP) is a collaborative data collection and
analysis project created to understand the ranges of shared cM associated with
various known relationships. Click on the link for an explanation of the
DNA Painter will also show your family tree based on the ancestors you have listed and showing the color of each group.
There’s a contrast between my ethnic origins as shown by
23andMe and those from FTDNA. Both of these reflect the raw data from the same
Here is a sample of the DNA Painter chromosome map showing ethnic origins as per 23andMe. Familial relationships not shown in this image.
And here is the chromosome map of my ethnic origins as interpreted by FTDNA. Again, the same raw data as above.
Another interesting contrast is between 2 different tests interpreted by My Heritage. My Heritage does not have a chromosome mapping tool, so here are the two maps.
![]() |
23andMe DNA test raw data as interpreted by My Heritage |
![]() |
My Heritage DNA test raw data as interpreted by My Heritage. |
Conclusion: DNA analysis is an evolving process.
Friday, August 27, 2021
Wading in Unfamiliar Waters - DNA Painter
Taking a look at a couple of new (to me) things. New tools
for my toolbox. I’m just beginning to give them a try. I wonder if they’ll be
useful for me. Part I discussed WikiTree. Here's DNA Painter.
It’s been just a few days since I discovered DNA Painter. I’ve
only scratched the surface, but I love it. DNA Painter is free. Here’s a quote
from a Google search for DNA Painter:
““DNA Painter is an easy-to-use tool that helps genealogists make sense of DNA
testing. By mapping segments of DNA to chromosomes, we can begin to
see which ancestors gave us which pieces of DNA, and thus how new matches are
related. ... “This is the most user friendly, easy to use mapping tool.”
Your DNA testing site will show you where your matches fit onto your
chromosomes. You may upload data from any DNA site that has your data. This is how a first cousin matches me.
Bringing that data into DNA Painter will show an identical map.
Then you can bring in other DNA matches that will be added to your chromosome map. Here’s an example of a portion of my chromosome map after adding a few more matches:
The different colors indicate which ancestor (or ancestors) is the source
of that DNA segment.
The very many available tools permit analysis and give an opportunity to
make valid inferences about matches where you do not know the ancestral source
of the DNA. Although this is free, there is a subscription option that includes
more tools.
I don’t yet know enough about it to be able to explain further, but a
Google search will find many sites with information and help. Here are a few links:
DNA Painter review – Is it the best tool for DNA visualization?
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Wading in Unfamiliar Waters - WikiTree
Taking a look at a couple of new (to me) things. New tools
for my toolbox. I’m just beginning to give them a try. I wonder if they’ll be
useful for me.
family trees have always been off-putting for me. While I love Family Search, my tree there is
just a stub because I don’t like the idea of others being able to make changes
without my approval. WikiTree, however presents itself as a collaborative world
tree. My present understanding is that I “manage” the people I put there and
others cannot make changes at will.
is labor intensive because each person must be added individually – a pain if
you’re doing manual entry, but it is also time consuming if you upload a large
GEDcom file.
what I did. Uploaded a GEDcom with more than 2,000 people. WikiTree then scans
its database to find who in your file matches someone they already have. So I
ended up with a HUGE table of names from my tree that did not have a match.
good news is that you can add people from your file, and all of the information
from your GEDcom is added to WikiTree.
At first glance, I could not figure out how the entries in the table
were sorted. It seemed to be alphabetical, but there were areas that seemed out
of place. I did a lot of scrolling up and down the pages of the table.
the end, I added my tree up to and including my great grandparents. My patience
had evaporated by that time. I do intend
to go back and add my great aunts and uncles
Friday, August 20, 2021
Ancestry DNA Test – finally
Finally doing an DNA test. I’ve resisted doing a DNA test from because I didn’t think that it would give me any better information that I have from the 23andme and My Heritage tests. I’ll be surprised if it does.
I did 23andme when I was diagnosed with Triple Negative
Breast Cancer. I wanted some idea of my daughter’s vulnerability.
A few years later I did the MyHeritage test because the
protocol was newer and I’m hoping to find cousins in Poland. MyHeritage has a huge
presence in Europe.
I am not now actively pursuing my Polish heritage. I think
that I’ve traced my ancestors as far back as is practical for Polish peasants –
the late 18th century. So I’ve moved into a different phase –
finding more cousins and learning about them.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Ancestry’s newest revenue stream: Your photos and documents.
This is old news by now. claims ownership of
every image on your family tree. This includes photos of people or images of
documents that you’ve uploaded, such as letters or personal documents. They
reserve the right to use our images for whatever purpose they choose.
· Advertising
· Promotion
· Educational videos
· Anything else they want to do with our images.
While I doubt that any of my photos would ever have any
commercial value, I resent that they would be appropriated by an organization
that has no connection or interest in them other than producing revenue.
I have deleted all photos of people in my tree on Ancestry.
But here’s the thing: If others have added your photos to
their trees, those images are still available to Ancestry unless they’ve also
been deleted from those other trees.
Several blogger have written about this, but I think that the best is from Dear Myrtle "
The Sky is Falling, Or Is It? #Ancestry TOS Challenges
Just plain greed.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Making Progress on the Dachtera Immigration Story
I've plunged ahead with the immigration story of my paternal Great Grandparents, Joseph and Magdalena Dachtera. The first draft of the narration is 99% complete. Still thinking about how to end the story. It’s been “resting” for a couple of days so that I’ll start editing with a fresh eye.
Spent a couple of days researching and finding images to
flesh out what began as a GoogleEarth tour. Went back to the BaSIA database to
try to clarify and add information.
There are two wonderful Wielpolski databases – both built by
The Poznan Project works to transcribe all 19th
century marriages in the province. Information given includes film numbers for
the appropriate microfilms at Family Search.
BaSIA is a much broader project to transcribe all vital
records from the province. Images from records may be from church or synagogue
records or from civil records. Available records may be from the 13th
century to the 19th century.
For now, it’s time to get started with the editing.
In addition, I’ve also spent some time looking at DNA info, making sure that I’m up to date on matches from various sites. It’s time to get up to speed on the tools at GEDMatch
Thursday, July 22, 2021
A Fork in the Road – What to do Next
Well, I accomplished one task I mentioned in my last post – I found the connections between my Minnesota Ganas clan and the ones that settled in Milwaukee and Buffalo. We are all descended from Johann Ganas, b 1779, d 1830
Martin Ganas came to the US in1890 and settled in Buffalo.
Johann arrived in 1891 and settled in Milwaukee
Ignatius (My Grandfather) immigrated in 1892.
Makes me wonder whether these semi-distant cousins were in
communication about their emigration plans while still in Poland.
All records are from the town of Czerlejno which you can
find with Google earth; and even do a Street View tour along the two main
I am truly grateful for the work of the volunteers who
transcribe these ancient records for
databases that allow us to find our ancestors.
What’s next?
Finishing the Google earth trip/tour of my paternal
immigrants seemed like a good idea for the next project until I found that Tour
Builder is no longer supported. So that project turns into a YouTube project. This will take a while.
Storyboard and finding the right images. I also need to improve my narration
And also -
I’ll continue to look for resources for my kids’ Bohemian
I’ll continue to check for new DNA matches.
Time to start working on a storyboard.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Resuming My Quest
I quit doing genealogy research a couple of years ago because I was just plain burned out. I simply stopped. Left projects half-done or barely started. Since then, I’ve dabbled a bit.
Recently I’ve tried looking at my children’s paternal line
but have gotten nowhere because I cannot find where they lived in Bohemia in
the 19th century. It’s been an exercise in frustration.
Now my cousin, Jeanne, is resuming her research; and that
has inspired me to get back to mine.
But how do I begin to pick up the pieces? There are so many
of them. Which pieces to pick up first? Can I find where I left off? Going back to my Bullet Journal should help.
I’d started:
A Google earth trip showing my paternal
ancestors path from their home in Poland to their new home in St. Paul, MN.
A search for possible Polish relatives who
settled in Milwaukee and in Buffalo.
A story about the times my parents grew up in.
And there are other loose threads, too.
Hints on have shown diminishing results over
I think I’ll take a closer look at Smart Matches on My
Here goes.